A powerful Christ-Centered community for Mom & Daughters

Ready to exchange fear, anxiety, and overwhelm

for peace, confidence, and purpose that only Christ offers.

Learn to SOAR with confidence, courage, & conviction to become who God created you to be and live the life you long for.

If you’ve landed on this page, you’re a mother or daughter ready for something more. You might have faith and go to church, but perhaps you're not living in the freedom Christ came to give, therefore haven't yet reached your God-given potential.

You might feel you were created for more...

but wonder how to get there...how to awaken and clarify your heart's desires...how to let go of guilt and shame...how to overcome the countless challenges and stresses that constantly tear you down...how to nurture rich relationships with those who matter most...how to truly become the wife, mom, and daughter your heart longs to be. If so I'm here to tell you...


It's in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. ~Ephesians 1:11

In the 

Arise & Soar


We’re about helping you (and your daughter) find freedom and raising you up to be EXACTLY who God created you to be.


You could step off the ledge of uncertainty, anxiety, and fear and find freedom to unfurl your wings and soar in your divine purpose while enriching your relationships, deepening your faith, and equipping you to lead the next generation of believers?


See If Any Of This Resonates With You....

You’re Overwhelmed:  You are striving to be everything for everyone and to meet expectations but you're overwhelmed by the pressure to be enough and by the struggles and challenges outside your control.

You’re Aching: You yearn to feel joy, peace, and purpose, and you have so many reasons to be loving your life but you're aching for something more you aren't sure how to find, but know you desperately need.

You're Chained: You want to reach your God-given potential but you are chained to paralyzing shame, guilt, and lies that continue to tear you down and prevent you from soaring in passion and purpose.

You're Defeated: You try and try to make positive change in your life but you continue to struggle to make lasting transformation because you're constantly battling self-limiting beliefs and distractions.

You're Insecure: You work hard to love your people and be the best you can be but when you fail or when life gets out of control and hard, you question your adequacy, ability, identity, and value.

You're Unhealthy: You desire full-body health, but the weight of the world's stresses and hardships are causing you to neglect and ignore the very things you need to live a vibrant, full life in body, mind, and spirit.

You're Unhappy: You have beautiful blessings in your life but you feel trapped in a perpetual cycle of disappointment, frustration, and confusion that are stealing your joy and diminishing your purpose.

You're Unintentional: You work effortlessly to keep your head above water and manage all the "things" yet because of the "crazy," you are living unintentionally without direction, discipline, focus, and clarity.

You're Wanting Help but Don't Know Where to Turn: You know you want more from life, you know you have more potential inside you to live a greater, more meaningful life, yet you're not sure how to get there.



WE'RE HERE TO HELP YOU (and your Daughter, if you have one) Find Freedom, Rise Up & SOAR, And LEAD others TO DO THE SAME

what others are saying about Natalie

“Natalie gave me the tools to keep moving forward, and more importantly, move closer to God.”

Natalie has a gift of opening up her heart and making you feel so loved and cared for. Natalie never takes the credit, but instead always gives the credit to Him. She allows God to work through her to help others. Natalie has helped me walk through some pretty difficult situations and has never made me feel like I was being judged or shamed. She purely makes me feel nothing but safe and loved.

I can’t explain it fully, it’s just something you need to experience. After spending time with Natalie, the storm seems so much calmer and my worries are lighter and more manageable. She gave me the tools to keep moving forward and more importantly to move closer to God. I truly believe we all have gifts from our Heavenly Father. Natalie has 100% found hers.

~Julie loken, Collective Member & Mom of 3


~Courtney Puchalski, Collective Member & Mom of 2

~Julie Loken, Collective Member & Mom of 3


Arise & Soar Collective

Where we help you (and your teen daughter, if you have one) FIND FREEDOM and RISE UP & SOAR

to be EXACTLY who God created you to be so you can live the life you long for.

ARISE & SOAR COLLECTIVE will lead you to the freedom and courage to be exactly who you were created to be and live the life you long for by applying God-centered wisdom, strategies, mindsets, & tools to your daily life.

And we'll help you every step of the way!

Plus ... if you have a teenage daughter, she automatically can join for no added cost. (Highly Recommended)



You Find A Clear Path: You recognize the places in your life in need of healing, direction, and growth and create a Personal Growth Strategy that is uniquely partnered with God meant to lead you toward freedom and deeper purpose. (Matthew 5:14)

You Now Direct Your Thoughts Toward Divine Purpose :  Here you find support, encouragement, and inspiration that leads you away from the world's traps & lies and toward God's divine purpose and plans. (Romans 12:2)

You Are Confident, Courageous & Convicted: You have a community of sisters, rising together, with the strength of Christ to seek, learn, and fight for the life your heart desires. (Ephesians 3:16)

You Are Seen And Heard:  You are a light of joy, truth, and goodness that others, especially your family, are drawn to. Through you they hear Him calling them to into a marvelous light. (1 Peter 2:9)

Your Confidence Is Ignited:  With God all things are possible so learning how to do life God's way changes everything. YOUR GROWING, DREAMING, AND SEEKING reaches new heights. (Mark 10:27)

You're Fortitude Is Restored: You embrace deeper, new-found faith, energy, and excitement that only comes when you unite with the Trinity. (Mark 11:24)

You Go Forward and Grow BOLDLY:  You are no longer held back by scarcity, self-worth or limiting beliefs, rather you move forward with confidence overcoming things of this world that once held you back. (John 16:33)

hi there, I'm Natalie!

my story has led me here

Transform your heart, life, & family …

I am a speaker, coach, author, and faith mentor with a heart for encouraging, equipping, and empowering moms & daughters to surrender to God's grace, accept their original design, live in abundance, and respond with purpose so they can SOAR with confidence, courage, and conviction to be exactly who God created them to be so they can live the life they long for. I understand the dilemma of striving to be the best for everyone, living up to other's expectations, feeling overwhelmed by the pressures & stresses of life—at the cost of joy, peace, & purpose. True, lasting peace and contentment come from surrendering our lives to God and resting and relying on His grace & strength to lead us into a whole, purposeful, rich life.

Arise & Soar Collective was birthed out of the way God taught me to do life.

Arise & Soar is how I live my life as a wife and mom, as a daughter of the King, and as a coach, speaker, and mentor. The concept is built around the metaphor of the Monarch butterfly in that we are designed, just like the butterfly, to go through an intense transformation to reach our full, God-given potential and purpose. Just like a caterpillar was never meant to remain a caterpillar, but rather go through the struggle so that it could be transformed into a beautiful butterfly with greater purpose, the same is true for us.

Not long into my transformation I felt called to share these truths with others.

Once God got a deep hold of my heart and I began growing in His wisdom, my life changed and I couldn't keep it to myself. I had to share the transforming work God had done. In doing so, I learned I wasn't alone. I started to recognize the overwhelming amount of women/teen girls being torn down—just like I had been—by the lies & hurt of the world. God, then, injected my spirit with this undeniable desire to help these women by embracing the call to speak, lead, & teach His truths—the very ones that empower me to ARISE & SOAR.

What a joy it is to glorify God by serving others with His redeeming truths.

For over a decade, I have faithfully served where God has called me, and in the process have continued to learn and grow. I've tried all sorts of ways to share God's transforming truths, and although nothing we do for the Lord is ever in vain, I began to recognize a deeper need for intimate connection, support, and guidance and began to wonder if there was a better way to encourage, equip, and empower moms and teen girls—a way that would work into their busy schedules and yet still powerfully lead them to confidently ARISE & SOAR in the joy and beauty of their divine purpose.

In my seeking for Divine guidance, God led me to build this Collective.

Life is hard, and God knows it, which is why his intention was never for us to do it alone. He's always meant for us to be in faith-filled community with Him and one another. The Arise & Soar Collective is designed to create that support & community. It's a unique sisterhood anchored on the foundation of Christ where we seek, learn, wrestle, nurture, discover, pray, and grow together in body, mind, and spirit so that we can SOAR with confidence, courage, and conviction to become who God created us to be and live the lives we long for.


A 12-month mastermind leading moms and teen girls to do life with confidence, courage, and conviction so that they can become who God created them to be and learn to live the life they long for.


INSIDE THE COLLECTIVE You'll be encouraged, equipped, & empowered to ...

  • Surrender into God's grace, leaning on Him vs. your own understanding.

  • Seek and find answers to all your questions in the written Word.

  • Awaken and clarify your heart's desires.

  • Identify and release paralyzing guilt, shame, and lies.

  • Build an intimate relationship with the Lord.

  • Overcome the stresses and challenges tearing you down.

  • Revitalize your life to optimal health & wellness.

  • Recognize areas of your life lacking joy and make plans for change.

  • Execute proven, grace-centered strategies that nurture relationships.

  • Discover and embrace your original, unique design.

  • Learn your divine purpose and roles.

  • Live the abundant, full life Christ came to give you.

  • Respond with purpose to places God is calling you.


Living your life united with God, resting in His grace & love, is not just possible … it's what frees you from the world's chains & elevates you to SOAR and do what would otherwise seem impossible.

I know because I’ve experienced it. And I continue to remain united with GOD because it's through Him that I learn to SOAR.

What You Can Expect with the Collective

  • LIVE 1-ON-1 COACHING & SUPPORT CALLS: LIVE Zoom calls with Natalie once a week with topics ranging from heart transformation, godly relationships, life purpose, full-body health & wellness, mindset/perspective, etc.

  • INDIVIDUALIZED COACHING: LIVE Zoom calls with Natalie for "just women/moms," for "just teen girls/daughters," and combined, "mom/daughters".

  • SPIRITUAL GROWTH & SUPPORT: Weekly LIVE Bible study with accompanying study guides, prayer time & requests, weekly memory verses, all in an effort to influence spiritual growth through the Word.

  • HEALTH COACHING: As women and moms we have a tendency to take care of everyone else's needs before our own. However, to be the woman, mom, wife God has designed us to be, we must be intentional to care for our WHOLE selves, which is why I offer, "Vital Ignition Health & Wellness" health coaching/training, including workouts, recipes, accountability, and oodles of support and encouragement.

  • RELATIONSHIP COACHING: Relationships are a part of our human DNA—we all need them. However, our relationships, if not nurtured and cared for well, can create endless conflict and challenges, which is why I offer "The Nurtured Heart Approach (Christian Perspective)" training that helps you build deeper connection and powerfully nurture relationships.

  • TOOLS FOR FAST & COMPREHENSIVE ACTION: I LOVE to share everything I've learned and continue to learn because I believe it's how God has called me to steward my gifts and resources. I share every resource, course, Bible study, parenting strategy, relationship tools, reminder cards, reference guides, workouts, recipes, etc. I have in hopes to help lead you to become the woman God made you to be so you can live the life you long for.

  • PRIVATE COMMUNITY FOR DAILY SUPPORT: Too often—even if we are surrounded by people—we can feel so isolated and alone, but not within our Arise & Soar Collective. We are like-hearted women seeking the same things and feeling fully loved & accepted for exactly who we are. With our 24/7 support team, weekly support calls and services, office hours, ER call access, etc. we strive to nurture an authentic, transparent sisterhood that inspires genuine growth & transformation.

  • TRAINING CENTER: We know you live a busy life, therefore, our weekly, LIVE faith-based life coaching/training is put into our vault with countless lessons to refer to and learn from when it works best for your schedule.

with everything you're getting ...

you'll know exactly how to:

  • Find the answers you long for and seek the only One who can lead you to freedom, joy, peace, hope, & purpose.

  • Release paralyzing guilt, shame, and lies and replace them with Truths that will transform your heart.

  • Build an intimate relationship with the only One who can truly give you what your heart desires.

  • Execute proven, grace-centered strategies that build deep connection with your children and nurture solid relationships for a lifetime.

  • Embrace your gifts, talents, and calling so that you can confidently and courageously be who you are and live the life you long for.

  • Avoid overwhelm, fatigue, and life balance struggles as you navigate the busy, chaotic realities of life.

I will be sharing with you EVERYTHING I'VE DONE TO overcome the pressure of the world, release the guilt, shame, and lies and ARISE & SOAR with passion and purpose to become who God created me to be and live the life I long for.



SOAR with confidence, courage, & conviction to become

who God created you to be and live the life you long for.

who is this program for?

  • All Moms—new, seasoned, empty nesters, some-day, working, stay-at-home, grandmothers, and every momma in between.

  • Daughters—teen and young-adult daughters, granddaughters, nieces, mentees

  • Women seeking Christ-centered encouragement, support, acceptance, accountability, transformation, and sisterhood,

  • Women yearning for whole body transformation—to grow personally, spiritually, physically, and relationally.

  • Moms & Daughters struggling to and yearning to connect and build trusting relationship with one another.

  • Moms & Daughters struggling to break free from debilitating insecurities and fears and yearning to discover who they are and what they're living for.

  • Moms & Daughters yearning to live out their God-given potential and live the full, abundant life they dream of.

who is this program not for?

  • Moms & daughters intent on keeping their lives and relationships just as it is. 

  • Moms & daughters not ready to be transparent and authentic and experience growth and transformation.

  • Moms & daughters content on living the daily grind and crazy schedules with no intention to nurturing deep relationship and growing in faith.

  • Moms & daughters unwilling to commit the time and effort required to grow and learn.

  • Moms & daughters who feel godly support and wise counsel is unnecessary.



Where We SOAR with Confidence, Courage, & Conviction to Become

Who God Created Us to be and Live the Life We Long for.